Any car has floor mats that protect the interior from the spread of dirt, the penetration of liquid into hard-to-reach places. However, these elements are subject to significant wear, can lose some of their capabilities, their appearance will deteriorate. You can make an update, to understand how this is done, it is suggested to study more information on
In case of severe wear, mechanical damage, it is recommended to completely replace the mat if it has lost its tightness, cannot cope with cleaning and protection. In this case, it is worth choosing the shape and size of the product so that it exactly fits the specific area where it will be installed. It is also recommended to choose an item made of a material similar to the old one, or purchase the entire set at once.
If you only plan to update old options, then you need to take into account several important rules:
- Study all the features of the mat, its shape, size, where it is installed and the material of manufacture.
- Next, determine the defects that need to be eliminated.
- Materials and tools are selected depending on the type of product.
- If you need to restore integrity, then it is better to apply patches from the bottom. Sometimes it is preferable to seal the entire lower part, creating a single sealed surface.
- When applying patches, adhesive compounds are used. They should be selected without odor, or with a small and quickly fading aroma. Some types of glue can spoil the atmosphere in the car for a long time.
- First, the mat is cleaned of mechanical contaminants using a dry and wet method, allowed to dry completely, then degrease the areas where the glue will be applied to improve adhesion.
- Surfaces facing the driver and passengers can be treated with shoe cream to return it to a single-color color. Scuffs in PVC or polymer mats are treated with silicone spray or oil. To add shine and increase elasticity, the degree of protection, you can use glycerin.
The above methods are not suitable for pile products. If they are worn out, it is better to replace them.
When choosing a renewal method, the most important indicator will be the material from which the mat is made and the degree of its wear, the reasons that caused the defects. Significant defects should not be repaired, it is preferable to buy a new one. This will save time and will be a more reliable, durable option. Rubber and polymer mats are best suited for renovation. They are easier to repair and restore color. When choosing processing methods, it is worth considering the time of year, how quickly the product dries. An important parameter will be the smell from the updated mat, it should not be strong and sharp, it is required to quickly evaporate.